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A unique domain

Where past and present meet

‘Domaine d’Ibrahim’ is located on a sun-drenched peninsula in the northeast of Morocco.
The domain is located in a very sparsely populated village called ‘Douar Talla’.
The village has a small mosque and a well. The local population still lives mainly from fishing and agriculture.

‘Domaine d’Ibrahim’ covers almost 2 hectares and is an oasis of peace.

It is an ideal domain for the eco-tourist who can completely relax here and enjoy the charming places that the area has to offer.
Active tourists will find what they are looking for in the beautiful nature that surrounds the domain.

The great-grandparents of the current owners were one of the first to settle on the peninsula. The family has permanently anchored itself in the area.
The domain is a former pilgrimage site. The former owners are descendants of the prophet Mohammed.

Picture of Bart


It is that place in the world that you lose your heart to and always think back with a smile. It is that place where you definitely want to go again.
So pure and so beautiful.

Domaine d'Ibrahim

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